Nature's Cathedral: European Edition
The burnished green and leafy vine is climbing high on this ancient Abbey.
It’s knocking on the tiny window of this small work space inside, asking to come in.
No, I think, you’re really better off outside in the sunshine, and with access to resources like the nutrients of the sun and soil. I’m only inside because I need a Wi-Fi connection.
This is Moulin de L’Abbey in Brantome, France.
If ever there were a location for Cinderella, or any magical fairy tale, this place would be the place. The ducks are happily floating on the river which is moving so almost unperceivably that only the water grass rooted in the river bed can tell me that the water is moving at all. The tiny fish are clearly visible in the crystal clear waters of this spot, this stone structure wedged in between running water and cliff-side caves… To say this place is ancient would be wholly’s beyond the describing of time.
In North Carolina, we say that the sky is so blue that it's "Carolina Blue"...but here in Brantome, I must admit, the blue sky is keeping pace with Carolina's Blue I'll say that the sky here in Brantome is "Brantome Blue", and yet, the sun here can't get to you under the trees; which are a welcome space to literally 'chill out'...!
The cathedral bells have tolled multiple times this morning, as it's Sunday here in Brantome today, the call is going out to parishioners who live in this idyllic location to come and worship behind the stone walls, and under the old slate and copper roof. I choose to sit outside, and talk to the ducks; to say 'good morning' to the flowers still blooming in the small gardens surrounding the main house where we are staying, as they bob in the wind...seeming to fight with each other for space.
This is Nature's Cathedral.
As I sit next to the water's edge and reflect on this trip, I think of the joys of arriving in Geneva, and the fights we had over how to navigate to our first hotel. Of the laughter over silly moments while loading the car, and desperate moments on the Italian auto-way when my dad put gasoline in the diesel tank of our car. I think, some of those moments seemed so impossible, and yet, the news this morning tells a tale of a tsunami in Indonesia, and I simply cannot summon any pity for myself. I pray for the comfort of those affected and ask God to receive the souls of those who were killed by the fury of a tsunami. As I pray, I think, here I am, in Natures Cathedral, and I feel welcome, comfortable, calm and protected...Nature is giving to me. While in another part of the world, Natures Cathedral is angry...and Nature is taking from them.
I recognize, with gratitude that I am blessed. Blessed in time of worry, blessed in times of despair over the health and wellness of loved ones... Blessed and Grateful. I am cradled in the literal arms of Nature's Cathedral here...well, and able and content.
Tomorrow's worries will come, and I'll face them with gratitude and we all must take the good moments with the sad moments.
With gratitude, and with love...I wish you all a wonderful Sunday...!